At ICE Agency, we believe that professionalism and quality are key values. This is why we have obtained various certifications and we are affiliated to several unions and networks which guarantee our professionalism and quality. ICE Agency works in compliance with the ABU, NEN 4400-1, and SNA standards. Furthermore, we are an acknowledged training company.
ABU - Federation of Private Employment Agencies
The Federation of Private Employment Agencies (ABU) has been the main representative for private employment agencies in the Netherlands for over 55 years (since 1961). With its 560 members, the branch organisation represents around 65 per cent of the market, which makes it the largest employers organisation within the temporary work agency sector. The ABU members together help around 777,000 temporary workers to find a job and they provide a flexible workforce to thousands of companies. It is also important to know that the ABU monitors its members with regard to the compliance with the ABU collective labour agreement. The 560 ABU members stand for quality, security, and financial reliability. As an ABU member, ICE Agency is periodically screened by an auditing institution to guarantee our constant quality level.
NEN 4400-1
NEN 4400-1 is an independent quality mark for temporary employment agencies, supervised by the Stichting Normering Arbeid (Labour Standards Register). With this, NEN 4400-1 has taken on the role of the well-known RIA, RIV, SFT, SVU, and VRO institutes.
Stichting Normering Arbeid
The quality mark obtained by SNA certified temporary employment agencies and (sub)contractors guarantees, amongst other things, that they have a sound (personnel) administration, that they pay the proper amounts of payroll taxes and/or sales tax and in a timely fashion, and that their employees are entitled to work in the Netherlands. With this quality mark, they protect their clients as much as possible against the consequences of liability for unpaid payroll taxes and sales tax and against substantial fines for working with people who are not entitled to work in the Netherlands, whose identity has not been established, or who have adopted a false identity.